Chili pepper: paper germination method 



Germination is a very delicate phase and for this we must pay particular attention to the method to be used. In this page we will show you the basic steps to make sprouts sprout from your seeds in a fast and effective way!

What to do 

After you have gone to search through kitchen or DIY items, a transparent box to germinate and found it, then you are already well on your way.

Cover the bottom with absorbent paper (the sheet is perfect and even toilet paper).

Before putting the seeds in the box, give it a chamomile bath (let them soak for two days) and then rinse the seeds with warm water because the shell loses its hardness and germination is facilitated. 

Gently place the seeds on the paper, not sticking, but far away. 

Leave everything in the house, near a source of light, but not by exposing the box directly to the sun because the seeds would dry out.

Always pay attention to the paper, you have to make sure it is always wet.

Temperature and humidity 

The ideal goal is a constant temperature, between fifteen and thirty degrees, because in this way the germination takes place in about seven days. 

Tip: You can use a cardboard box to insert the transparent box, a thermometer and approach them.

Exposing buds to sunlight 

As soon as the white rootlet comes out, remove the buds from the box and insert them into plastic cups with some soil inside. The root obviously goes into the thermal, the seed must remain outside. 

The sun is your ally, but you have to get the plant used to sunlight so try to go step by step. Do not make the opposite mistake, that is, to prevent the plant from drying out you give it too much water and let it rot! So avoid over-watering or exposing the plant to direct sunlight.

Warning: plants that do not receive enough light tend to stretch. This is not good, because it could break.


This photo illustrates a classic example of germination. The seeds are opening and the root is coming out.